About Us


◎ If you are Americans or foreigner without Taiwan Health Insurance, you have better to apply for the VIP Special Clinic. That is the most suitable for you because you will have preferable time to talk with us and have a similar experience of medical care in your country.
◎ VIP OPD is arranged by the appointment, you can add Line ID 0953591111 to text or have a call (06)222-6677 (06)222-776 to arrange it. 
◎ VIP Outpatient time: 14:00~17:00 on Wednesday
◎ 現場掛號時間︰上午7︰00~11︰45  下午11︰30~16︰45  夜間16︰30~20︰15
◎ 門診時間︰週一至週五:上午9︰00~12︰00  下午14︰00~17︰00  夜間18︰00~20︰30  /  週六:上午9︰00~12︰00
◎ 人工預約掛號電話︰(06)222-6677‧(06)222-7766
◎ 電話語音掛號專線︰(06)225-1234(號碼為診間代號)
◎ 語音掛號輸入身分證號碼時,首位的英文字母請以代碼輸入,例如A=01,B=02…Z=26
◎ 初(複)診︰請攜帶健保IC卡,身分證
◎ 前往「
◎ VIP自費特診以預約制,Line ID 0953591111或電話預約掛號, 自費之外籍人士可以多利用自費VIP門診.