不孕症 2023-12-17 Introduction to "Men Having Babies" - MHB The emergence of single parenthood within the group of "Men Having Babi..
不孕症 2023-12-17 Single Parenthood by choice (Selected Single parenthood) in IVF Practice Introduction to Single Parenthood by choice (Selected Single parenthood) in ..
HIFU 2021-04-23 海扶聚焦超音波無創治療示意圖 現在以及未來,科技的創新使得無創的視覺化治療方案得以實現,治療前:檢查,診斷,定位。治療中:無創可視化的輕鬆治療,無需麻醉。治療後可自行離開,不影響正常..
HIFU 2021-04-23 海芙聚焦超音波無創治療子宮肌瘤療效評估 高能量聚焦超音波治療系統是以無輻射的超音波作為治療源,針對子宮肌瘤的無創治療方法,可有效避免停藥後復發或是子宮切除手術後的副作用。
HIFU 2021-04-20 什麼是海芙聚焦超音波無創治療? 在體外將低能量的超音波聚焦在體內病灶中,在瞬間內產生65°C以上的高溫使焦點處的病灶細胞死亡。整體壞死的病灶逐漸萎縮並被體內吸收,從而達到治療的目的。治..
不孕症 0000-00-00 Section 2: Implementation of Surrogacy (preliminary draft) Taiwan Surrogacy law as preliminary draft: Section 2: Implementation of Su..
Rx 0000-00-00 FC Prescription Saxenda (Liraglutide), Ozempic (Semaglutide),Rybelsus (Semagultide), Contrav..
Treatment course injection medication 0000-00-00 Tutorial video on injections and suppositories for IVF Dr. Alex Lin’s instructional video on medication and injections for IVF: Pe..
MIS 0000-00-00 Dr. Lin’s Laparoscopic Surgery Appointment Secretary Laparoscopic surgery Line appointment secretary, QR code appointment,