Medical News 2021-01-25 傳統子宮鏡手術與速潔刀子宮鏡冷刀手術比較 在歐美先進國家,冷刀子宮鏡已經常規治療方式,所謂的冷刀就像是刮鬍刀的原理,執行時可以達到無創(經自然口,沒有傷口)。器械從陰道通過子宮頸到達子宮內部之後..
Stories of Success 2021-01-01 我們夫妻很幸運能遇到林醫師,實現我們求子的願望! 由衷地向您說聲謝謝,在這些日子幫助我們許多,讓我們安心,放心去面對這次懷孕,在醫院中常看見您為孕婦、病人辛苦著,這令我們感到敬佩,這也讓我們感受到醫生的..
Dr Lin's IVF Teaching 0000-00-00 Hypo-Osmotic Swelling (HOS Test) Hypo-Osmotic Swelling (HOS Test), preparation, scoring, selection of viable ..
News 0000-00-00 IVF, OD, and SD Navigator for IVF on line l IVF, OD, and SD Navigator for IVF on line to arrange the OPD.
Dr Lin's IVF Teaching 0000-00-00 Cellular immune responses in pregnancy loss: T cell and NK cell 1. Immune system regulation has important roles in dealing with semi-alloge..
Dr Lin's IVF Teaching 0000-00-00 Histocompatibility Gene Products and Their Role in Pregnancy Loss The paragraph discusses the role of histocompatibility gene products, specif..
Dr Lin's IVF Teaching 0000-00-00 原核(PN)計分方法 (pronuclear (PN) scoring): 原核(PN)計分方法 (pronuclear (PN) scoring):
Dr Lin's IVF Teaching 0000-00-00 What is PICSI? PICSI 是一種創新技術,是作為更簡單的顯微注射 ICSI 技術的改進而開發的。建議患有男性不育症的夫婦使用 ICSI,但精子與透明質酸( hyalu..